Wednesday 30 March 2016

That is rather a new situation for me.
With a constant lack of time, I somehow have decided to find a moment for sharing parts of my life with you. Those are the parts that I always forget to catch when I work - new project, new concert preparation, composing, running for rehearsal etc...
All those important moments disappear with the lifestyle that adjusts to the everyday routine of XXI-century tempo of work.
My fiance always tells me: "Martyna, you forgot to post this or that, you forgot to make a picture. Show that you work so hard for the things you have achieved."

So I have decided now!
I will not loose a moment in the depths of memories! 
I will not burn the sweet musical excitements of the day! 
I will not hide the feelings that bring a meaning to my actions!
So from now on expect the screaming of my thoughts, unexpected posts, words created upon a moment of desire and music coming straight from my heart.

Lets begin the blog then!